Family Promise of the Verdugos
Albert Hernandez
Executive Director

Family Promise of the Verdugos (FPV) has benefited in a large way from the Help Us Move In Foundation. Ever since our new partnership FPV has been able to expand its, services, increase it's donor base and serve more families more often. FPV has utilized the funding to help with move-on costs which in Los Angeles County are extremely high.
Many of the families that join our program either have an eviction on their record, low-or-no credit score and sometime no rental history. Barriers such as these have been removed because of the funding we have. Landlords are impressed with how much FPV invests into the lives of our families that they in turn have become donors themselves because they believe in our work. Our program has increased to include Rapid Rehousing and Transitional Housing; both of these programs would not have been possible without HUMI and our communities dollars.
Their is a new spark of hope in our community because of our new services. People are really getting behind Family Promise because of this new movement and we have HUMI to thank because HUMI challenged us to think out of the box and build capacity. In our first year dozens of children are sleeping in their new homes, sleeping on beds that we were able to get donated, and parents are thriving because our staff maintain contact and still hold them to high expectations. HUMI works!