Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.

Proverbs 19:17


Click here for information on the Thurston County, Washington Program.


What We Do

Help Us Move In (HUMI) is on a mission helping children to escape homelessness by engaging communities in sustainable solutions.
We work with community agencies that provide services to families at risk or experiencing homelessness by offering a unique matching grant opportunity.

How It Works

Partner agencies will receive a Homeless No More Challenge Grant from HUMI over the next two years ($10,000 per year) to launch a program aimed at eviction prevention and rehousing for families with children.
The grant is not a hand-out: agencies must raise an initial $10,000 before HUMI awards the $10,000 grant. Further, the partner agency is then expected to engage the community and match the funds with another $20,000 each year.
This double challenge match is designed to reinforce a self-supporting habit of contributions from the community towards a sustainable program. HUMI will assist to set up the program and establish a community Working Group that will monitor and coordinate the fundraising efforts moving forward.

How To Qualify

To qualify for this grant communities must show they have a need and a desire to assist children experiencing homelessness!
Communities must have an organization that provides social services, case management and has demonstrated the ability to fund raise in the community.
HUMI will assist to set up the program and establish a community Working Group that will monitor the program and coordinate the fundraising efforts moving forward.
Communities must have an agency that provides social services, case management and demonstrates the ability to fund raise in the community.
A major goal of Help Us Move In is to be the catalyst towards viable programs in communities to help children become



How The Grant Works

  1. Applicant completes questionnaire
  2. Accepted by HUMI
  3. Review and sign Memo of Understanding
  4. Form Working Group
  5. Partner secures donations totaling $10,000 from major contributors for the local portion of the Challenge Grant
  6. Report on HUMI workbook
  7. HUMI forwards a check to Partner for $10,000 to complete the Challenge Grant of $20,000
  8. Partner now has $20,000 from the Challenge Grant to be matched by community
  9. Working Group establishes monthly allocations
  10. Partner begins to work with families using the community donations and the matched funds from the Challenge Grant